Das Ende der Nacht / End of night

20180613_153322Fotos: Georg Bernhard Rusch

Das, wonach man wirklich sucht, lässt sich nicht halten. Es ist jenseits der Sinne, absolut frei. Am äußersten Rand der erschöpften Person, da wo ihre ausgestreckten Finger in das Ende der Nacht hinein reichen, regiert das Überpersönliche, in all seiner frischen Pracht …

Im Feld der Wunder stirbt die Person. In dem Moment, im dem das Leben der psychologischen Person beginnt, verbirgt sich das Mysterium. Deshalb auch das Gefühl der Abgetrenntheit, des verlorenen Paradieses …

Doch den Fingern, die ins Ende der Nacht reichen, kommen bereits Hände aus dem Morgen entgegen. Die unmittelbare, quellende Stille tastet schon im Inneren herum und holt den Anker ein …


What one is really looking for can not be sustained. It is beyond the senses, absolutely free. At the extreme edge of the exhausted person, where their outstretched fingers reach into the end of the night, the super-personal reigns, in all its fresh splendor …

In the field of miracles, the person dies. The moment the life of the psychological person begins, the mystery hides. That’s why we experience the feeling of separateness, the lost paradise …

But the fingers, which reach into the end of night, are already meeting hands  coming from the morning. The immediate, swelling silence already gropes around inside and fetches the anchor …


Autor: Briant Rokyta

Briant Rokyta is an Austrian artist based in Vienna. He follows the principle of PERMANENT CREATION in performance, drawing, painting, writing and sculpting and in providing lectures and workshops. PERMANENT CREATION is another way of viewing the world. Not through the rational mind but through art, through being, which is constantly creating itself: Each moment is creation and oneself is intimate part of it. Human society is also changing, a new level of relatedness arises and the age of separation is sinking. I find it helpful and joyful to use art in such a way to support this process in favor of a world that is more beautiful, integrative and playful. The best way of doing so is to show this potential of art, in various garments and as a way of life together with fellow artists. For further information please check out: http://www.briantrokyta.com

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