‚Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht.‘
Bert Brecht

Menschen kennen die Wahrheit, tief im Herzen wissen wir. Das Problem, welches wir als Gesellschaft haben, ist, dass die Machtpositionen von Menschen besetzt sind, die bloß kurzfristige Profitmaximierung im Sinn haben oder dabei konspirieren, anstatt sich um die Geschicke der Bevölkerung und der Umwelt anzunehmen …

Die gegenwärtige Krise spült auch die Zusammenhänge hoch, die zu ihr geführt haben. Eine Gesellschaft, die unter Hochdruck alles Lebendige zu Geld verwandelt, die sich ignorant und arrogant über eben diesen lebendigen Urgrund gestellt hat, muss sich nun den Konsequenzen stellen …

Wir sind jetzt gefordert, uns der Wahrheit, die wir im Herzen kennen, zuzuwenden. Es ist kein Luxus mehr, sondern eine Notwendigkeit. Wir sind offiziell vom Gehorsam entbunden, dürfen den Machtstrukturen, die zur Ausbeutung des Lebendigen führen, sagen, dass sie nach Hause gehen sollen …

‚Where injustice becomes right, resistance becomes duty.‘
Bert Brecht

People know the truth. Deep in our hearts we know. The problem we have as a society is that the positions of power are occupied by people who have merely short-term profit maximization in mind or are conspiring to do so, rather than taking care of the fate of the population and the environment …

The current crisis also flushes up the contexts that have led to it. A society that under high pressure turns everything living into money, that ignorantly and arrogantly placed itself above this very living source, now has to face the consequences …

We are now challenged to turn to the truth we know in our hearts. It is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. We are officially released from obedience, allowed to tell the power structures that lead to the exploitation of the living to go home …

Autor: Briant Rokyta

Briant Rokyta is an Austrian artist based in Vienna. He follows the principle of PERMANENT CREATION in performance, drawing, painting, writing and sculpting and in providing lectures and workshops. PERMANENT CREATION is another way of viewing the world. Not through the rational mind but through art, through being, which is constantly creating itself: Each moment is creation and oneself is intimate part of it. Human society is also changing, a new level of relatedness arises and the age of separation is sinking. I find it helpful and joyful to use art in such a way to support this process in favor of a world that is more beautiful, integrative and playful. The best way of doing so is to show this potential of art, in various garments and as a way of life together with fellow artists. For further information please check out:

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